ExerciseHealthy Life

Tried & Tested – Bicycle Seat From Hamax

Bicycle Seat From Hamax

I love being outside with our boys. Because we don’t have a garden, we can often be found in the Kralingse Bos when the weather is nice. We usually take our bikes there, especially when the weather is nice. I also often take our youngest to daycare on my bike during the week. It’s great to get that vitamin D!
Flint now rides a bike himself or goes along on his scooter and for Riff I recently got a new bike seat. From Hamax to be precise. I got this one sent to me to try out. And boy, what a difference with our old bike seat.

Some advantages of the Hamax bicycle seat at a glance.

  • The bicycle seat not only looks nice (yes, the eye also does something), but is also robust
  • The backrest is height adjustable, which is ideal because the chair grows with your little one
  • The footrest can be adjusted in height with one hand
  • The seat has suspension (so going up and down curbs is no problem!)
  • And as far as I’m concerned the best option; the seat has a reclining position (!). With a turning knob the seat tilts up to about 20°, ideal for little ones falling asleep!

Hamax has 2 different bike seats -in white and black- for the back; for a frame attachment and a luggage carrier attachment. Check carefully which attachment fits your bike, before you order the bike seat. By the way, they also have a seat for the front (from 9 months).

More information about Hamax bike seats can be found here . We are sold in any case!

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