
Inspire Sessions: Photography Workshops in August


For two afternoons this past month, my home was buzzing with creatives and talented photographers during our first round of Inspire Sessions. Such a success they were, that Hanke and I have opened up two more session dates in August, one taking place on Friday, 2 August and one on Saturday, 4 August! You can read all about these inspiring gatherings over on the workshops page but for now, lose yourself for just a moment in Hanke Arkenbout‘s dreamy film images she created during the last session.

Photography Workshops in August

For those new to the blog and haven’t the faintest clue what I am going on about, Inspire Sessions are intimate, informal afternoon workshops held in my home in Delft (The Netherlands), designed to inspire and push the photographers, stylists and creatives who attend to look beyond they way you would normally photograph and learn some new tricks along the way. Our past attendees have all left with loads of inspiration and energy and our closed Facebook group is buzzing with activity as everyone shares their images, ideas and questions with likeminded creatives who’s hare their passion. It’s about creating community, building each other up while taking our own steps in a highly inspiring, creative environment.

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