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Radio Silence + My New 7 Minute Workout

Radio Silence + My New 7 Minute Workout

Radio Silence + My New 7 Minute Workout

Hello friends. I hope you are enjoying summer to the fullest!

Yes, it has been awfully quiet in my corner. I am happily reclaiming my life and spending more time with my three beautiful kids this summer (enjoying traveling and lots of exploring, good food, horseback riding, canoeing, water fun, and a jam-packed social calendar!). 

My 11-year old daughter Frida with good friends. Love this picture. That’s summer!


Frida after some fun horseback riding in water (yes, me too!).

We are also working hard on the new store (taking longer than expected but getting there!)

Lots of new, lovely things are being added to the store, launching soon.


I am most likely (and will know soon) getting a really big design challenge for the fall, which will be a whole different animal—but a super fun one!

To prepare for this fun and full fall, I am breathing deeply this summer, laughing a lot, and strengthening my body.

There are 12 different routines (30 seconds each with 10 seconds of rest in between), for a total of 7 minutes. We can all do it!

12 different routines (30 seconds each with 10 seconds rest in between). Total 7 minutes. We can all do it!

Print out the sheet so you have it right under your nose! Practice the 12 routines a few times before you get started so you really know how to do them right and hard. You might want to invest in a simple kitchen timer (which I did) that you set for 30 seconds (the length of each routine). You only have 10 seconds to get ready for the next routine. Trust me, you have no time to fiddle with watches or complicated timers!

You only have 10 seconds to get ready for the next routine

You have to do the 12 routines in the correct order. (I have bad knees from skiing, so I swapped the jumping jacks for fast jump roping instead, which I can control better).


My husband, who is a fit man, joins me now and then, and we are both sweating hard at the end of the seven minutes! If you are not in pain, you need to work out harder! Seven minutes—and then it is over!

Learn more about the workout here.

There. I am not design savvy this time; it’s my secret body weapon to gear up for a busy fall with lots of design at the core.

Hugs to you all. You are always on my mind.

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